Thursday, November 09, 2006

in the quiet time of evening, when the stars assume their patterns
and the day has made his journey
and we wondered just what happend to the life we knew before the world changed
when not a thing i held was true
but you were kind to me and you reminded me
that the world is not my playground
there are other things that matter
and when a simple needs protecting
my illusions all would shatter, but you stayed in my corner
the only world i know was upside down
and now the world and me, i know you carry me

you see the patterns in the big sky
those constelltions look like you and i
just like the patterns in the big sky
we could be lost we could refuse to try, but we made it through in the dark night
would those lucky guys turn out to be
but that unusual blend of my funny friend and me

i' m not as clever as i thought i was
i'm not the boy i used to be because
you showed me something different, you showed me something pure
i always seemed so certain but i was really never sure
but you stayed and you called my name
when others would have walked out on a lousy game
and you could've made it through
but you funny friend and me

you see the patterns in the big sky
those constallations looks like you and i
that tiny planet in the bigger guy
i don't know whether i should laugh or cry
just like the patterns in the big sky
we'll be togather till the end is night
don't know the answer or the reason why
we'll stick togather till the day we die
if i had to do this all a second time
i won't complain or make a fuss
when the angel sing that that unlikely blend
Are those two funny friends THAT'S US

sting - my funny friend and me

friends.....kata yg mengandung banyak arti,tergantung bagaimana kita mengartikannya
friends.....mungkin utk sebagian org tdk ada artinya sama sekali, tp bagiku mean a lot!

disaat ku tdk tau hrs kemana "mereka" yg menuntun hrs kemana aku melangkah (in the better way)

disaat kita jatuh dan bersedih "mereka" yg membangunkan dan membuat dunia kita tertawa kembali.

bahkan disaat ku sedang bahagia pun "mereka" bisa merasakan dan mendoakan semoga kebahagian ku bisa seterusnya.

dan disaat aku harus mengambil keputusan yg penting pun "mereka" tetap memberikan masukan dan selebihnya terserah ku.....biarpun keputusan ku akhirnya salah mereka tetap merangkulku utk memberikan ketenangan.

Friends......the real friend never give up on me. I'm glad i've friends like friends are not much but their the best!!! they're my funny friends and me

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